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  • Writer's pictureSteven Liles

Lady Falcon Volleyball Season Preview

The Bushland Lady Falcons started their season on Monday August 2. They graduated several key players to last year's State Championship team, but there are several new players stepping into those roles. They have four new senior leaders that are ready for their last season to get under way. Jaycee Adams, Millie Maupin, Meg Potter, and Allye Pitt were all a part of the 2020 State Championship team. Not only did they beat out all the other teams in the State but they beat the odds and did not have to quarantine the entire team and miss any games last season. Millie Maupin will be stepping into a new role as a setter with Logan Culpepper. Last season she helped out with hitting and serving with a great top spin. Emma Troxell, Madison Eberly, and Kaela Neie are all back and will combine forces to make up for the loss of Kinley Rudder. Also, Jada Permenter and Meg Potter will be helping out on the back row with Jaycee Adams to provide a solid defense. Jaycee Adams, as a key leader for this team this year, made the statement, “I am excited to make new memories with this team and to make another State Championship run.”

This season the team is able to go back to pre-season tournaments. The first tournament for the Lady Falcons is the BEV Ball tournament in Abilene on August 13 & 14. At this tournament they will be able to get a look at Holliday for the first time. Their next tournament is the Glenrose Tournament where they will meet Glenrose and Gunter for the first time this season. All 3 of these teams are possible playoff matchups down the road. Coach Jason Culpepper said it best, “Excited to be able to get back into preseason tournaments to prepare for playoffs.” These tournaments play a huge role in how the team continues to prepare for the playoff run to state. Don’t miss the Lady Falcons game against the Canyon Lady Eagles on August 10. Freshman play at 5 pm, JV play at 6 pm, and Varsity play at 7pm at Canyon High School.



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